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We are avid bikers AND Christians. 

We know what it is like to long for open long twisty roads to ride and relax.  We know what it is like to have numb back sides and shake out your arms to get some feeling back in your fingers.  We know what it is like to have wind burned faces, sunburned wrists, and muffler burned calves when you get off too hurriedly, to use the bathroom that was about 10 miles further down the road than you needed...

We know bikers are deep wells that people don't often give enough time or credit.  Many are committed faithful Believers.  Many have been Believers but life has sucked some of the joy from the faith and commitment they once had.  


We have known regular church attendance in local assemblies and we have known long periods of keeping the faith alone.  


Sometimes it is nice to pull your bike up next to another and notice a cross on it and have a conversation with a Believer.  Often, it is a God moment, allowing for some prayer or direction or counsel from the Lord through a fellow biker.  


We hope to meet some of those fellow bikers and to occasionally be that fellow biker, with a word or a meal or a chat around a fire pit that feeds the soul. 

We have traveled the world and there are hurting people everywhere.  We would like to introduce you to a friend of ours, Jesus.  He is not always in the four walls of buildings.  


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